Sunday, September 18, 2005

No More Dress Up

Whenever people introduce me to someone by telling them how much I read I feel like I’m on display and that people are expecting me to come out with a couple of quick book reviews while wallah I am really a normal reader ..I mean .. Sometimes I take very long reading one book..It depends on my moods and motives. Like recently, I took TWO MONTHS reading two books and no feeling like reading so far.

The most dreaded question is : So, how many books do you read a month?

It’s like if I have a bald patch on the top of my head and someone has just asked me to take off my hat.

Quick, they’re staring at you! Will they ‘get it’ or think you’re stupid?

-- Well, it depends . My reading is dictated by my moods. So it can vary.

-So, a book a week?

--Yeah, or maybe more.

-Two? Three?

--Really, it depends. Can’t really say. Some books are quick reads and others take a while.

- Four? Five?

--No no I guess 2 or so. I read more than one book at a time.


--It’s no big deal, really.

-That’s a lot.

--I don't know.. I just like to read.