I am Horribly Late...
This Eid has been so quiet and warm. For some moments, I wish I was 10 so that I could really enjoy every bit of Eid, I also wish the people who left me and this world could come back so that I could spend one more Eid with them.
Samyah tagged me long time ago to answer the following so here it goes:
Seven Things I Plan To Do:
1. Get a Master degree.
2. Get adapted in my work place.
3. Drink 8 glasses of water everyday.
4. Bring out the best in me.
5. Do what everybody has been telling me to do for months.
6. Publish one of my Arabic poems.
7. Do Hajj.
Seven Things I Can Do:
1. Bake.
2. Read fast.
3. Write poetry
4. Sew and knit.
5. Talk to myself.
6. Get myself into trouble easily.
7. Say "Sorry" when I am wrong straight in the eyes...
Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Save money.
2. Type fast.
3. Hold a grudge.
4. Spoil Kids.
5. Cook Kabsa.
6. Get myself out of trouble.
7. Really smile when I am not happy.
Seven Things I Say Most Often:
1. "7asbya Allah!"
2. "Al-jayb wa7ed"
3. "Ya Allah"
4. "Really?"
5. "e7lifi?"
6. "Ya rab laka al7amd"
7. "6ayeb"
Seven People I want to pass this tag to:
No one. You people have tagged them all :p
P.S. : Everything is just splendid except my hair, I have the worst haircut ever this Eid..I look like an elf :D
Have a wonderful Eid...
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