Mansur has tagged people in his reading list, so here goes :
1. I am a black coffee addict.
2. I am a reserved person.
3. I am half turkish.
4. I am painfully shy, moody and quiet.
5. I am an aunt since I was 15 years old.
6. I am amateur poetess, knitter.
7. I had braces as a teenager which put me in a bad mood for about three years.
8. I almost never chew gum.
9. I never keep long nails.
10. I lack self-confidence.
11. I always create lists: things to do, movies to watch, books to read, things to buy.
12. I usually read magazines backward.
13. I have a niece who looks exactly like me.
14. I have never had a face-to-face meeting with anyone I know from the internet.
15. I love books, rain and dark chocolate.
16. I eat ice cream with a fork instead of a spoon.
17. I like keeping old notebooks.
18. I seldom wear high heels.
19. I still watch cartoons and disney movies.
20. My biggest fear in the world is cockroaches.
Tag to anyone who reads this, thanks Mansur :)