All Things Are... Ancient
I open a window, with words that I use. Just let the wind blow and show you my views.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
If You Can't Say Something Nice
My coworker: Hey, you really look like crap!
Me: Well, glad to know it shows.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Evil ?

There’s a fax machine outside my office that has not worked since I started working here (7 months ago) because the phone line was disconnected. When I first realized the fax was not working, I put a helpful sign on it to alert my coworkers so they would not try to use it and leave the thing beeping outside my office all day.
The sign didn’t work, people ignored it. So, I called the helpdesk and asked them to come up and install a new phone line. They did, it worked once, and then for some unknown reason it stopped working again.
I put up the sign back and would cheerfully notify people who ignored the sign and used the fax that it was broken. Since I never used the fax and had already devoted minutes and minutes to solving the problem, I felt it was someone else’s turn to take the initiative and call the helpdesk.
Anyway, the sign has disappeared and I am obviously the only person in the building who has figured out that the fax is broken and has been for 7 months. Now it’s a popularity contest outside my office door. If I like you? I will cheerfully remind you that the fax machine doesn’t work and suggest you go down the hall to the next one. If you aggravate the crap out of me?
Happy Faxing! :D
Happy Faxing! :D
This has proven to be an excellent system for me since there are only two types of people in this world; the people who I love , and the people who annoy me.
I am so evil! :p
Friday, November 11, 2005
First Day Back is Always.....
Boring !
I wrote this long post last night that I was going to publish today, about all this stuff going on in my life, but I just deleted it. I'm having another one of my moments...lost, dazed, confused.
I am guessing the next month or so will be quiet here. My writing has already been sporadic and I sense it will lessen further, as I get my things together. I keep saying I'm going to concentrate on writing some real things offline, and read books from my mountainous pile, but I keep finding excuses to procrastinate .
(for some reason I'm avoiding what my heart is really aching for).
And the sad thing is tomorrow will be the first day back to work after the Eid holiday ( I should have started working last tuesday, but I gave myself 2 days off, I have no idea what's the matter with me?! :p ) and I've decided to do something here. I'm really sorry to do it here, but if I do it at home my sisters are going to get really annoyed with me and may take steps to get even, such as telling people how I knocked myself out cold yesterday by slamming my forehead into the countertop. But I have to get this out of my system, and that means taking it out on my comfort zone. Anyway, here goes.
I'm not going to work tomorrow. I'm not going to work tomorrow. I'm not going to work tomorrow. I'm not going to work tomorrow. I'm not going to work tomorrow. I'm not going to work tomorrow. I'm not going to work tomorrow. I'm not going to work tomorrow. I'm not going to work tomorrow. I'm not going to work tomorrow.
You will have to imagine the sing-song effect for yourselves.
I feel much better now. Four day weekend ! :p
Friday, November 04, 2005
I am Horribly Late...
This Eid has been so quiet and warm. For some moments, I wish I was 10 so that I could really enjoy every bit of Eid, I also wish the people who left me and this world could come back so that I could spend one more Eid with them.
Samyah tagged me long time ago to answer the following so here it goes:
Seven Things I Plan To Do:
1. Get a Master degree.
2. Get adapted in my work place.
3. Drink 8 glasses of water everyday.
4. Bring out the best in me.
5. Do what everybody has been telling me to do for months.
6. Publish one of my Arabic poems.
7. Do Hajj.
Seven Things I Can Do:
1. Bake.
2. Read fast.
3. Write poetry
4. Sew and knit.
5. Talk to myself.
6. Get myself into trouble easily.
7. Say "Sorry" when I am wrong straight in the eyes...
Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Save money.
2. Type fast.
3. Hold a grudge.
4. Spoil Kids.
5. Cook Kabsa.
6. Get myself out of trouble.
7. Really smile when I am not happy.
Seven Things I Say Most Often:
1. "7asbya Allah!"
2. "Al-jayb wa7ed"
3. "Ya Allah"
4. "Really?"
5. "e7lifi?"
6. "Ya rab laka al7amd"
7. "6ayeb"
Seven People I want to pass this tag to:
No one. You people have tagged them all :p
P.S. : Everything is just splendid except my hair, I have the worst haircut ever this Eid..I look like an elf :D
Have a wonderful Eid...